LaBelle View
Church of Christ

A Church of the Restoration Movement

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This congregation is a group of believers in Christ established after the New Testament pattern.

This congregation is a part of the world-wide Church, consisting of all those who believe in Christ and are obedient to Him according to New Testament teaching. We believe and teach unity for all of God's people in accordance with the Divine plan laid down in Ephesians 4:4-6.

This congregation believes that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe that the Bible is God's message and God's will for all ages.

This congregation believes that the name "Christian" was DIvinely given and that it is the only name God desires His children to wear.

This congregation believes and teaches the New Testament plan of salvation and holy Christian living after one becomes a Christian.

This congregation practices weekly observance of the Lord's Supper when God's family meets to remember His death at Calvary, to remember what that has done for us, and to examine ourselves in the light thereof as mentioned in
1 Corinthians 11:17-34.

This congregation believes the Bible teaching of the bodily resurrection of Jesus. His second coming, the resurrection of all dead, a judgment for all persons before Christ, eternal punishment for all unbelieving and disobedient and eternal reward for all believing and obedient.

This congregation invites your investigation, and welcomes your presence to study and worship at any time.

In Essentials, Unity
In Opinions, Liberty
In All Things, Love

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